The prime objective of Quartet Lifestyle Estate is to cater to the needs and enhance the lifestyles of Clients who have purchased a Life Right in the Lifestyle Estate. The House Rules have also been drawn up considering the requirements of people who are senior in age. It is the responsibility of anyone purchasing a Life Right to familiarize themselves with all the House Rules. Adherence to the House Rules by Clients and Residents will go a long way in ensuring a peaceful coexistence, as well as making it easier to manage the Estate.

The House Rules will be amended from time to time by the Directors, who will take into consideration the needs and requests of the Clients and Residents. The Lifestyle Estate will be run to provide services to the Clients and Residents at a standard deemed by the Directors (most of whom are international lifestyle estateiers and businessmen) to be in line with the exclusive nature of the Estate and Lifestyle Estate.


Although the Lifestyle Estate building is itself a pet-free zone, the Estate is pet-friendly, and the Residents may keep a pet/s (a small dog, a maximum of 2 cats, birds in a cage or fish in an aquarium) in their unit. Residents may not keep other domesticated or farm animals. The bylaws of the Bitou local authority as far as they relate to pets must be adhered to.

Dogs are not permitted to roam free on the Estate and should be kept on a lead always in public areas or contained within the confines of a Client’s allocated unit. The Lifestyle Estate can erect fencing around the garden area of the Client’s allocated unit at the Client’s cost for this purpose.

The dog’s owner is responsible to immediately remove any excrement that the owner’s dog leaves on any paved or other hard-surfaced area. The Lifestyle Estate’s garden staff will remove excrement in grass and landscaped areas.

Every pet must have a collar with a tag, with the owner’s details and unit number. The Lifestyle Estate reserves its right to insist on the removal of a pet should it become a nuisance to general wellbeing of the Lifestyle Estate Residents. The decision of the Lifestyle Estate Manager shall be final in this regard.


Clients, Residents, and their visitors must observe reasonable noise levels, even when entertaining Volume of music and musical instruments, and the activities of visitors should be kept to a level so as not to create a nuisance to neighbours.

Playing music audible by neighbours or making any loud or undue noise between 23.00 and 07.30 that could disturb neighbours is prohibited. Using noisy machines and/or power tools outside normal business hours is also prohibited.

In the event of annoyance or complaints, the parties involved should attempt as far as possible to settle the matter between themselves, exercising due tolerance, reasonableness, and consideration.


Refuse, refuse bins and garden refuse bags may not be placed on the pavements. All refuse will be collected daily by the Lifestyle Estate’s housekeeping staff from the designated areas.

All garden maintenance is done by the Lifestyle Estate and is included in the Lifestyle Estate Lodging Cost. Residents are encouraged to assist in the maintenance and beautification of their garden areas, but it must be done in consultation with Lifestyle Estate management and the Head Gardener.

Residents are encouraged to assist the Lifestyle Estate management in recycling refuse in the Estate Recycling Program.


LIFESTYLE ESTATE LODGING COST shall be charged in accordance with the Agreement between the Lifestyle Estate and the Clients.

THE LIFESTYLE ESTATE LODGING COST following the intial period ending in December 2018 will be reviewed at the end of every year for the proper and effective running of the Estate in terms of the agreement.

Clients will be given detailed accounts quarterly showing a breakdown of costs on a PQ basis on which the LIFESTYLE ESTATE LODGING COST is based, and the state of the maintenance reserve fund for the Clients’ units and their proportionate share of the maintenance fund for the common areas to which they will have full access.

This shall include but not be limited to the Lifestyle Estate’s management fee for administering and providing services to all Clients which shall include catering and housekeeping services provided to units and houses as detailed below.

Minimum housekeeping and other services include:

  1. One linen change per week and daily bed make up on request.
  2. Daily housekeeping routine tidy and clean-up of unit on request.
  3. Weekly deep clean of unit.
  4. All garden maintenance and improvements surrounding unit.
  5. PQ contribution to rates and taxes and other fixed costs.
  6. PQ contribution to sewerage and water charges.
  7. PQ contribution to property security services and insurance.
  8. PQ contribution for operational maintenance.

Catering Services included in the LIFESTYLE ESTATE LODGING COSTS are an uncooked health breakfast, and one additional set three-course meal per day in the Lifestyle Estate Restaurant area.

Any additional requested catering is available from the Lifestyle Estate’s standard price menu. There is also a choice of optional fixed monthly Lifestyle Estate Service Packages not included in the above as detailed in Annexure “A1”.


Clients and Residents can only direct Lifestyle Estate staff to complete those tasks to which they are delegated in terms of these House Rules, and may not employ staff for private or personal tasks unless arranged through the Lifestyle Estate as an additional service. The Lifestyle Estate staff responds and takes instructions only from the management and the Directors of the Lifestyle Estate.


Clients and Residents are encouraged to use all facilities provided by the Lifestyle Estate, provided that in using such facilities regard is always had to the convenience and comfort of other Clients, Residents, and Guests.


Security protocols at the gate to the complex must be adhered to at all times. Under no circumstances may Clients and Residents or any person other than the security personnel, Directors or maintenance personnel, be allowed into the Security Gate House.

Clients and Residents are requested to cooperate with security personnel at all times and to request their visitors to adhere to security protocols too.


Clients and Residents that have any family members and/or visitors entering the Lifestyle Estate and estate must use their best endeavours to ensure compliance with these House rules as amended from time to time.

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